Product Summary
The 47N60C3 is a cool MOS power transistor.
47N60C3 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Continuous drain current, TC = 25℃, ID: 47A; TC = 100℃, ID: 30A; (2)Pulsed drain current, tp limited by Tjmax, IDpuls: 141A; (3)Avalanche energy, single pulse, ID = 10A, VDD = 50V, EAS: 1800mJ; (4)Avalanche energy, repetitive tAR limited by Tjmax2), ID = 20A, VDD = 50V, EAR: 1mj; (5)Avalanche current, repetitive tAR limited by Tjmax, IAR: 20A; (6)Gate source voltage, VGS: ±20 V; (7)Gate source voltage AC (f >1Hz), VGS: ±30V; (8)Power dissipation, TC = 25℃, Ptot: 415W; (9)Operating and storage temperature, Tj, Tstg: -55 to +150℃.
47N60C3 features: (1)New revolutionary high voltage technology; (2)Worldwide best RDS(on) in TO 247; (3)Ultra low gate charge; (4)Periodic avalanche rated; (5)Extreme dv/dt rated; (6)Ultra low effective capacitances.